Influenza virus — how can FCT help?
Every year, millions of people become infected with the influenza virus. Though a relatively short illness, ‘flu can be unpleasant, but the infection is usually self-limiting. The complications following an influenza infection can be more sinister. Continued infection of some organs with the virus itself, can cause vertigo, heart problems or viral pneumonia, as well as continued inflammation of the muscles and joints. The central nervous system can also become affected. Since the virus tends to weaken the mucous membranes in the body, the bacteria which normally reside there, in balance, become the source of a secondary bacterial infection. Sinusitis, ear and and chest infections can commonly occur in the elderly, or immune-suppressed.
What is ‘flu? Influenza is an extremely contagious viral disease which usually appears in the late autumn and winter. It invades the respiratory tract and sinuses, spreading to many other areas of the body. The symptoms involve high fever, headache, sore throat, runny nose, aching muscles and joints, and gastro-intestinal symptoms if the gut is involved.

The word ‘pandemic’ is sometimes associated with ‘flu. So, what is a pandemic? A pandemic is a new infectious disease that spreads round the world, but seasonal 'flu isn't considered a pandemic, even though the viruses that cause them change a little from season to season. However, the H1N1 swine 'flu virus that appeared in 2009 was an entirely different virus. It carried genes from swine 'flu viruses from North America and Eurasia as well as genes from human and bird flu viruses. Humans had never before been infected with this virus. 'Flu pandemics occur because there are many kinds of 'flu viruses in animals (mostly birds), but so far only a few have evolved the ability to infect humans. There were three flu pandemics in the 20th century: in 1918, in 1957, and in 1968.
What’s the treatment for ‘flu? The doctor will recommend plenty of rest, and that you keep hydrated, using analgesia as necessary. Apart from this, the body should overcome the infection in a matter of days, but meanwhile symptomatic relief will be helpful. Complications are treated as a matter of urgency, and antibiotics are prescribed for bacterial infections. Experts warn that it is only a matter of time before there is a deadly pandemic. Scary words.
But not everyone gets influenza during an outbreak. So, what’s the difference between those who succumb, and those who escape? A healthy immune system! Probably the more important question is why some go on to get complications, whilst others recover. The answer to this is, to some extent, a healthy immune system, but there are specific areas in which complications occur for individual patients. The reason behind this is the vulnerability or weakness of individual organs. Those with asthma, for example, already have a lung condition. To superimpose a secondary bacterial infection could prove fatal, and so vaccination is recommended, and antibiotics are at the ready.
So, what’s wrong with vaccinations and antibiotics? The issue of antibiotic usage is described elsewhere on this website. Regarding the use of vaccinations, we know that influenza vaccinations contain Thiomersol, a mercury derivative. Some patients complain that they feel unwell and develop 'flu-like symptoms after influenza vaccination. It is quite possible that this reaction is due to the ethyl mercury which is used as a preservative. Vaccinations are no guarantee that patients remain free from ‘flu for numerous reasons. Vaccine manufacturers try to predict which strain of seasonal ‘flu will arrive each autumn; they cannot know with certainty how to prepare an appropriate vaccine. Also, in order to become immune to a pathogen as the result of vaccination, patients must seroconvert. (Seroconversion is the development of specific antibodies to pathogens in the blood serum as a result of either infection or immunisation.) The process of recognition of antibodies followed by the production of the appropriate antigen is dependent on a fully-functioning immune system. These days many people lack the capacity to develop adequate immunity, as a result of vaccination, and in the case of ‘flu some patients go on to develop the illness.
How can Field Control Therapy help?
It aims to help by removing the toxins and pathogens which lead to poor immune function, meaning that FCT patients are much less likely to contract ‘flu in the first instance. If patients are unfortunate enough to contract the illness – and this may be a result of acute stress, for example, FCT can offer a remedy to shorten the course of the illness. Furthermore, the chance of complications is reduced enormously, since the practitioner can provide a remedy, based on individual Bio-resonance testing, with the objective of stimulating the body to kill that specific infective agent.
From a different aspect, FCT can remove ‘flu viruses for reasons other than acute illness. It is not uncommon to find residual ‘flu viruses in the body, even years after infection. These viruses can lie ‘dormant’ for years, yet result in a chronic drain of energy. On the other hand, research has shown that a significant proportion of those who fought in the First World War, and who contracted Parkinson’s Disease in later life, had traces of influenza viruses in their brains. Interestingly, a study has described three statistically significant 'clusters' of people who worked together and who developed Parkinson's within a similar time frame. Influenza can go on to cause complication in the central nervous system. FCT aims to provide the non-invasive removal of influenza virus from the brain and can have significant clinical results. The positive correlation between influenza virus and schizophrenia is backed up by epidemiological studies which indicate that maternal influenza viral infection increases the risk for schizophrenia in the adult offspring.
Academic research